Attention: Polilingua.com Radu Sargu, and cheat customers
Attention: Polilingua.com cheat and cheat customers
EBe careful before starting a job with Polilingua.com and with representatives , Marta Furdui, of a location that does not exist in Milan. See : polilingua.com reviews
Milan, Italy
13 Via della Moscova
20121 Milan, Italy
On 29.10.2018 we received a request from Polilingua.com, to translate our company’s website into English, German, French and Spanish. At extremely competitive prices.
We agreed with the price (5158.1 EURO) and payment methods – 45 days after delivery, believing in good faith of the company and the representatives who were in contact with us at that time
and so we started the translation.
After the work was delivered, we found that Polilingua had performed the translation with online translators (eg google translator) for many parts of the requested translation
We have therefore forwarded to the aforementioned Polilingua.com translations and interpreting a formal written dispute inviting them to make a professional translation and not copied by google translator or similar tools.
in response the gentlemen of Polilingua published on their website an article concerning an alleged scam against them perpetrated by Mr. Caggiano, moreover visible on the google search functions. After a further seven days of waiting we have not received a valid answer. We then proceeded with our lawyer to a lawsuit at the Court of Naples then passed on to Milan and still there, but the headquarters of the company Polilingua of Milan does not exist and moreover the porter’s lodge of the same building does not know who Polilingua is .com. The headquarters of Polilingua.com is in
Milan, Italy
13 Via della Moscova
20121 Milan, Italy
but it doesn’t exist, it’s useless to go there because they don’t know who they are.
This behavior seemed a little doubtful to us, so we requested some information about the company from the Chamber of Commerce and unfortunately there is no Polilingua.com company there. They also made a contract from Moldova, billed in Spain and to be paid to an Italian current account. a real fraud attempt